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Empower Your Business: Join ANWBN's E-commerce Platform!

Get ready to sell online with confidence!

The Association of Nigerian Women Business Network (ANWBN) is excited to announce the upcoming launch of our very own e-commerce platform. This platform will empower you to showcase and sell your products to a wider audience and grow your business.

To ensure your success, we’re offering comprehensive training programs specifically designed for women entrepreneurs. Whether you’re new to e-commerce or looking to take your online sales to the next level, we have something for you.

Take a short survey to help us tailor the training to your needs! Your feedback is crucial in shaping a program that delivers real results.

Survey for ANWBN E-commerce Program

1. Personal Details

2. Current E-commerce Experience

Tell us about your experience selling online

3. Challenges and Goals

Helps us understand the obstacles you face and what you hope to achieve.

4. Training Preferences

Questions about your preferred format for learning

5. Additional Comments

Some description about this section

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